According to a recent column in the LA times, the Los Angeles residents and city officials are happy with the way things are and the majority are not open to change. The author Christopher Hawthorne talks about how he sees a growing number of people opposed to a more pedestrian friendly Los Angeles.
Posts Tagged ‘California’
Can Los Angeles Ever be a Walkable City or Are People Happy With the Way Things Are?
Cool Green Bus Terminal Coming to San Francisco
One of my favorite things to do in Turkey is go down to the main otogar (bus station), ask around for buses to interesting destinations, and hop on. The station itself is no great shakes architecturally or anything, but I love the hustle and bustle and the feeling that a whole country’s worth of options is open to me. That sense of possibility and movement draws me to transit hubs of all kinds, from Grand Central Station to the dustiest little village bus stop. But one I could never work up any love for was my hometown of San Francisco’s Transbay Terminal. When I go back for a visit in the future, though, it might be a whole different story.
Californians Dreaming About the Next Metropolis
Earlier this week Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa invited me and a small group of Los Angeles’ business, labor, and environmental leaders to discuss his plan to accelerate the construction of a dozen transit projects in his region. The goal is to build in 10 years what they initially planned to do in 30, hence the plan moniker “30/10.” California’s junior senator and chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee, Barbara Boxer, was the featured guest since new kinds of federal help is a key part of the plan.