Posts Tagged ‘website’

Stuck in Studio: A new site that gives resources to architecture students


Everyone knows that architecture students are always in studio. As an architecture student you are expected to pull all nighters and go days without sleep right before your final presentation. Stuck in Studio is a way to give architecture students a way to connect with other architecture students, a way to find a job after graduation, and overall a way to take a break from that project you have been slaving over for the last 6 hours straight.

Archollective: An Online Pin-Up Space for Architecture Students


Architects and architecture students are always looking for someone to critique their work. The more feedback you get during your design process the better your overall project will be at the end. Archollective is a new site to give designers additional feedback when working on their architecture project. This web application gives you the option to critique other people’s work or upload your own projects and start receiving feedback from the rest of the community.

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